Intellectual Property Law
The law firm of Bowman & Krieger provides astute counsel in trademark litigation and copyright law, including:
• Perfecting copyrights to published material, software and other property;
• Registering trademarks and service marks;
• Licensing agreements;
• Third party and end user agreements, as in software licensing;
• Franchise agreements; and,
• Enforcement actions and litigation.
Our attorneys also have experience in drafting and enforcing employee agreements (non-compete/non-disclosure) to protect trade secrets.
We represent plaintiffs or defendants in copyright infringement, trademark litigation, licensing disputes and restrictive covenant/trade secrets litigation. A cease-and-desist demand from your legal counsel may be effective, but our aggressive trial lawyers will pursue all remedies , including injunctions and lawsuits for damages.
Our law firm’s comprehensive abilities include business formation, contract law, employment law, civil litigation and appeals. In addition to copyright and trademark litigation, we can help you maximize the business potential of your intellectual property.